Life & Parenting

Life and parenting can be tough, especially when you have a child with special needs or disabilities. Our kids can be amazing and are the true joy of our lives!

However, life can also be challenging, when you feel like no one understands how you feel and what you're going through. This page is dedicated to exploring how to make the best of what is a challenging situation at times. 
Here are the sections you'll find on this page:
The Problem with Antihistamines
So I have been thinking a lot about allergies the last couple days, in part because my sons, my wife, and I all suffer from variations of seasonal allergies. 🤔

I used to be the person who would take Tylenol Severe Allergy like it was candy. If I didn't, I would have a faucet nose and would have extremely itchy red eyes. 😭

So I just got done researching how antihistamines work, and what they do for our kiddos, and what we should be cautious of.

Did you know that we should be cautious of H1 inhibitors (which are pretty much every antihistamine on the market)? These do a number of interesting things, including, at the extreme end, bringing on seizures for those who are more prone to them, like our kids. Not so extreme, but nonetheless important, they have been shown to reduce memory processing speed.

💥💥So what do we use instead?💥💥 

In our home, we have found the "magic" combination to be lavender, tea tree, and peppermint essential oils. These three combined, and booyah! No more runs to the pharmacy for this daddy! 

That's not to say you may not want to have some Benadryl on hand for a severe acute allergic reaction (such as bugs or food). But this irritation type reactions, well we've kissed them goodbye!

Did you know there were concerns about antihistamines and our kids? What other things have you used?

By The Way: I just posted a much longer version of this post in the VIP group I have. Yup, there's a whole lot more where this came from. This group is for anyone who wants to make sure they are getting the best natural products for their family. Want some more information? Just let me know and we can work to get you the best stuff as well as in the next level group!
Dealing with Stress
Life has no stress, right? Of course it does, especially when you have kids, and most certainly when you have a child with special needs.

When we are stressed out, it negatively affects our ability to advocate for our kids and provide for them. But how can you deal with it effectively?

Join in as I explore some of the best ways I have learned for dealing with the stress life offers. 

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