Anyone who has a child with Down Syndrome has encountered those people who mean well, but just don't know how to respond. Here are some of the most common things we've heard, and some tips for how to respond.
I have heard it said that opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one. This is especially true when it comes to our kids, and what other people think about how we care for them. We must be careful which opinions we accept, even from so-called experts, and think carefully about which ones to leave behind.
Is Down Syndrome genetic is one of the most common questions asked when a family first discovers they are going to have a little one with this genetic condition. Let's explore what current research shows in terms of the heredity of the Syndrome, what causes it, and what can be done about it.
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and I want to help you explore some of the realities persons with Down Syndrome and their families face. In this post, let's explore more deeply what Down Syndrome actually is, and what physical things they deal with, and what can be done.
Hello my friends, welcome back! I used #Rockingthe21st tonight, so I thought we would get a little rock going.
I am so glad to be back. I took a couple of days, went to a conference and also have been trying to get over this cough. For those who have been watching for a while, I did go to the doctor, and they confirmed there is nothing wrong with me more than spasming bronchioles.
Well let’s get into it. If you don’t know me, my name is Josh Decker and I am so glad that you are joining in. I definitely encourage you to go back and listen to some of my previous videos talking a little bit about what we know about Down Syndrome.
Read more...I am so glad to be back. I took a couple of days, went to a conference and also have been trying to get over this cough. For those who have been watching for a while, I did go to the doctor, and they confirmed there is nothing wrong with me more than spasming bronchioles.
Well let’s get into it. If you don’t know me, my name is Josh Decker and I am so glad that you are joining in. I definitely encourage you to go back and listen to some of my previous videos talking a little bit about what we know about Down Syndrome.