How Do You Increase Your Confidence

Do you ever feel like you lack confidence? You’re probably thinking “well you’re one to talk because you get on and you do these things.” If you know me outside of Social Media, you know that I normally have no problems talking to people, telling people what’s on my mind.

But here’s the thing: confidence is one of those things where if you have it you go boy I wish I had more of it, and if you don’t feel like you have it, you may just not think confidence is your things.

Affirmation Challenge

I wanted to pick up today talk a little bit more about affirmation journals and issue an affirmation challenge.

One of the things I have been doing a lot of learning a lot about over the last about four years is controlling your thoughts, taking control of your thoughts, and not allowing yourself to sabotage what it is that you want to achieve.

Give Your Kids the Best. Sleep. Ever.

I have a question for you; do you ever feel like bedtime is like a battle? Like you need to don on full body armor to go into this battle to get your kids in bed? I can tell you, we have three boys ranging in age from 1-10, and it seems like a battle for us every night.

While this may be normal, did you know there are things that you can do to make that easier? So, I want to share with you six things that might completely change your bedtime routine and experience. #5 is probably one of the most important ones.
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